ARISS contact planned for two Italian schools
An educational ARISS school contact is planned Monday 15 December 2014 at 15:18:40 UTC, which is 16.18:40 CEWT.
astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti IZØUDF will answer questions of
students from two Italian schools. Ground station IZ7EVR, located in
Bari, will operate the radio transmissions.
Downlink signals from the ISS will be audible in Europe on 145.800MHz narrowband FM.
Presentation Istituto Tecnico Statale Economico e Tecnologico Elena di Savoia – Piero Calamandrei:
School I.I.S.S. Elena di Savoia – Piero Calamandrei is a technological
(chemistry and environmental biotechnology, chemical and healthcare
biotechnology) and economic (financial administration and marketing)
school. It serves the educational needs of the town and the metropolitan
area of Bari in southern Italy. It caters for boys and girls, aged
fourteen-eighteen. Located in one of the region’s tourist areas, it is
in the suburbs of the pleasant town of Bari, in the south-east of the
APULIA region, south-east of Italy. The curriculum focuses on health,
environment, science activities in lab., chemistry and biochemistry,
microbiology. The sanitary and environmental section of the school has
an auditorium, three computer rooms, two chemical laboratories, two
biological laboratories, a physics laboratory, a new biology laboratory,
five multimedia boards, twenty five classrooms. At present there are
five hundred students on roll and they attend classes daily, from 8.15
am to 1.00 pm.
The school, located in multi-district Japigia south of
the city of Bari, covers several three floor buildings. One of these
structures comprises an auditorium, a gym, 25 classrooms and 8
laboratories. The technology sector includes the study of chemistry and
environmental biotechnology, chemical and healthcare biotechnology. The
economics division covers international relations and marketing. The
school has a total of 800 students.
Presentation State Technical Institute of Technology Alessandro Volta:
Alessandro Volta school teaches communications, social-history,
mathematics, science and technology in different contexts: life, study,
job. In addition it fosters useful competence, allowing students to
access continuous innovations through 3 specializations: Mechanics and
Mechatronics, IT and Telecommunications, Electronics and
The space conversation will be conducted in Italian.
The students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
E’ noto che nello spazio si diventa piu alti. Succede la stessa cosa
alle biomolecole? Ci sono variazioni nella struttura terziaria delle
2. Come e stata realizzata la Stazione Spaziale ?
3. Ci sono difficolta nella digestione in assenza di gravita?
4. Quali sensazioni si provano durante la fase di lancio?
5. La ISS trova spazzatura spaziale sul suo cammino? Cio causa problemi all ISS?
6. Che tipo di preparazione del vostro fisico effettuate prima di partire in missione?
7. Essendoci una convivenza in spazi ristretti, se qualcuno si ammala come puo guarire? Come e possibile prendere precauzioni?
8. Come vi mettete in contatto con le vostre famiglie?
9. Avete iniziato a sperimentare la realizzazione di pezzi di ricambio con la stampante 3D? Come procedete?
10. E scomodo riposare in assenza di gravita in un sacco a pelo e in verticale?
11. Quali sono gli esperimenti che state effettuando in relazione al cervello umano e quali conseguenze avranno in campo medico?
12. Quali sono i compiti dovrete svolgere a bordo della ISS?
13. Dopo il rientro sulla terra quali saranno le procedure che adotterete per il ritornare alla normalita?
14. I pannelli solari quanta energia riescono a produrre per il fabbisogno a bordo della ISS?
E possibile coltivare piante sull IIS? Se si i frutti di queste piante
possono essere usati per l alimentazione degli astronauti in caso di
lunga permanenza nello spazio?
16. Quanto tempo ci si impiega per raggiungere dalla Terra la Stazione Spaziale?
17. E possibile svolgere sull ISS esperimenti riguardanti la materia oscura?
18. Che strumenti utilizzate per le attivita extra veicolari?
19. Quali esperimenti fisici/biochimici effettuerete durante la Missione Futura?
20. Quali apparecchiature controllano la navigazione della Stazione Spaziale?
is an international educational outreach program partnering the
participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES,
JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience
the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers
onboard the International Space Station.
Teachers, parents and
communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS
can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Europe Chairman
Source directe : ARISS
from : f6agv (AT)