Actualité et promotion du radioamateurisme

jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Chronique Hebdomadaire Ecouteurs- SWL d'OC et Auditeurs de Radiodiffusion S01-07/01/2015.

Bonjour les Amis de la Radio,

Voici votre Chronique Hebdomadaire  Ecouteurs- SWL  d'OC et Auditeurs de
Radiodiffusion S01-07/01/2015.

Nous vous en souhaitons une bonne réception et diffusion sur le net.

Pour les Radioclubs et les Radioamateurs vous pouvez en faire la diffusion
sur les Ondes.

Afin de diffuser vos manifestations (DMF, DFCF, Expéditions, vos activités
de vacances ou dans les écoles, vous pouvez nous envoyer vos informations!)


Vos QSL à disposition

88 de Cindy F-20711 et 73 de Jacques F-20710

 Les sites de l’Association :

 http://www.radioamateurs.news.sciencesfrance.fr/    site de News

 http://www.radioamateurs.anrpfd.sciencesfrance.fr/ Site associatif

 http://www.sciencesfrance.fr/ le Portail de l’Association sur le Web

Source directe :   ANRPFD
From :   f6agv (AT) free.fr

Les VOEUX 2015 du RAF par Dan F5DBT président

Bonjour à toutes et tous

En ce début d'année, je vous adresse tous mes vœux pour 2015 ...
En France, TK, DOM - TOM, et au delà des frontières tous les amis qui nous
suivent ...

Vœux de bonne santé, c'est le principal
Pour les autres vœux, chacun selon, les ajoutera à sa liste

Enfin que cette année apporte du calme et de la sérénité,
un peu de cohérence dans notre activité radioamateur

Et comme il n'est pas encore interdit de rêver,
pourquoi pas, un peu, un peu plus de hamspirit

73, Dan, f5dbt.

NB, Voici les vœux ( prémonitoires ) qui vous étaient adressés.
Vœux que vous ne trouverez pas dans ce premier numéro de la revue 2015.

Dans un premier temps, je pense à toutes ces personnes décédées,
à leurs familles bien sûr ...aux innocents...
J'ai la gorge nouée, je pense à cela et à beaucoup de choses ...
Pour une fois les mots me manquent, désolé.
L'heure est au recueillement...Nous en reparlerons plus tard.

73 à toutes et tous, Dan, F5DBT

Le lien pour lire le bulletin de la semaine ...en version normale .

Source directe :   RAF
From : f6agv (AT) free.fr

MODIFICATION des INDICATIFS pour les radioamateurs britanniques ?

Les radioamateurs britanniques parmi nous ont peut-être reçu une lettre de notification de l'Ofcom aujourd'hui modifiant leurs licences. 
Moi même comme d' autres, on indique une lettre secondaire «E» qui a été ajoutée à l' indicatif d'appel (le mien fait GE8KHW) - c' est une erreur -
Voir le message du président de la RSGB ci-dessous. 
Steve G8KHW 
Comme vous le savez, l'Ofcom est tenu de donner à tous les radioamateurs autorisées les changements qu'ils ont l'intention de faire pour modifier les licences avec leurs décisions en ligne suite à la consultation de l'an dernier. 
Ce processus a maintenant commencé et les lettres sont en cours d'envoi. Il a été porté à l'attention de la RSGB que certains amateurs ont reçu une lettre suggérant que leur indicatif inclut maintenant le RSL "E". Ofcom a confirmé que c' est une erreur et non pas un changement de caractère. 
On me dit que l'Ofcom a l'intention de publier une explication sur leur site web (que nous allons reprendre sur le nôtre) dès qu'il apparaîtra. 
Graham Murchie G4FSG Président, Conseil RSGB

Source  RSGB - UKHAS
From :  f6agv (AT) free.fr

Original :   
The UK radio amateurs amongst us may have received a notice letter from Ofcom today varying their licences.  Mine like others indicates a secondary letter ‘E’ has been added to their call sign (mine says GE8KHW) - this is an error - see message from the RSGB chairman below.

Steve G8KHW

As you will be aware, Ofcom are required to give all licensed radio amateurs notice that they intend to vary licences in line with their decisions following last year’s consultation.  That process has now begun and letters are being sent out.

It has been brought to the RSGB’s attention that some amateurs have received a letter suggesting that their callsign now includes the RSL “E”.  Ofcom have confirmed that this is an error and not a change in policy.  I am advised that Ofcom intend to publish an explanation on their website (which we will replicate on ours) as soon as it appears.

Graham Murchie  G4FSG
Chairman, RSGB Board

From :  f6agv (AT) free.fr

ARISS : 3 Italian schools is scheduled for Friday January 9, 2015

ARISS contact planned with three Italian schools

A contact with 3 Italian schools is scheduled for Friday January 9, 2015.  The event will include students at Scuola Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù, Roma, Italy, direct  via IKØUSO, students at  Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora, Frascati, Italy, direct via IWØCZC,  and students at Scuola Pontificia Pio IX, Roma, Italy, via telebridge.  The contact will be with IRØISS at 10:14:09 UTC, which is 11:14:09 CEWT.

The downlink will be audible in Europe on 145.800MHz FM.

The event will be broadcast on the AMSAT Italy video channel:

Schools presentation:

Scuola Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù
The school “Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù” is a catholic primary school in Rome, established to answer to the needs and demands for Catholic education by the local population. The school belongs to the Congregation of Missionary Carmelitane Sisters of Saint Therese of Jesus Child. The school is open to families that take care of the religious education and formation of their children. Preparation for the ISS radio contact has been underway for a long time, including educational projects on different scientific topics to support the special event.

Istituto Salesiano Villa Sora
Villa Sora is located on the side of the ancient Roman boulevard (now Via Tuscolana) in an area known as Tusculanus ager, which is full of sumptuous villas, including those of Cicero, Lucullus and Sulpicius Galba. This villa was built as a country house in the same grounds of Lucullus` villa in the mid-16th century and it was originally known as ‘Torricella’.  The earliest documentation of its history dates back to 1546, when the Chapel of Sancta Sanctorum of Rome owned the villa. The land currently measures over 6 acres and includes, in addition to the house and the school, a large park with several building lots.

The school of Villa Sora has a notable historical tradition.  Since 1925, it has a primary school and a liceo classico.  The liceo scientifico was founded in 1966 and in 1986 its admission was opened to girls.  In 1989, the middle school was created, and finally, in 2011, a new liceo economico sociale was founded. The middle school now has 200 students divided in three classes. The liceo classico has 180 students, the liceo scientifico 280 and the liceo economico sociale 80, for a total of 740 students.

The spcace conversation will be conducted in Italian. As many of following questions will be answered as time allows.


1. The time of the re-entry into the atmosphere seems to be less evolved. There are studies underway to modify or change this stage?
2. How long does it take to arrive on the international space station?
3. What is the equipment of the astronaut during extra vehicular activity?
4. What kind of material is made the surface that covers the lower part of the spacecraft re-entry?
5. How many km / h you travel to reach the international space station?
6. The extra vehicular activities that you will do will umbilical or free? What goals and how they will be held?
7. How does the deceleration during re-entry?
8. The control of the flight on the Soyuz is automatic or are you a pilot?
9. How does the return to the international space station after an extra vehicular activity?
10. After take-off part of the missile is dispersed in space?
11. Which angle is formed between the trajectory of the spacecraft and the Earth's surface during re-entry? What are the risks an angle of re-entry is not correct?
12. Samantha, you are the first Italian woman to do extra vehicular activity. What are your feelings and what your concerns about it?
13. What happens to take off when passing through the Earth's atmosphere?
14. During the return to earth, how much gravitational force suffer the astronauts?
15. There is the possibility of accidents during extra vehicular activity?
16. When it takes off there is a lot of turbulence?
17. Why do astronauts after the mission should go in quarantine? What happens at the neurological level?
18. How do you prepare for extra vehicular activity? What is the training and simulations?
19. It was more exciting to enter into the international space station or the time of takeoff?
20. How do you manage to fit into a specific point on the earth, without risk to human life and the environment?
21. How do you communicate with the International Space Station during extra vehicular activities?
22. As with the docking of the Soyuz to the International Space Station?
23. How long does a return trip?
24. If, during extra-vehicular activity occurs as an illness is rescue the astronaut?

ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS Europe Chairman
Source directe  :   ARISS
From  :   f6agv (AT) free.fr