Bonjour à toutes et tous
*Le dernier éditorial et les 5 pages dédiées ont fait réagir.*
Alors qu’il n’y avait rien depuis des mois sur la liste TRR (table ronde
Dès la parution, un mail est apparu proposant (d’urgence) une réunion pour
expliquer, s’expliquer…
Il est dommage que les présentations, discussions et autre, ne se fassent
pas ‘’avant’’ mais après pour se retrouver devant le fait accompli, ce qui
ne résout rien, et comme nous l’avons écrit, nous restons dubitatifs.
*En ce qui concerne la réunion ECC à Bordeaux*, voir le texte complet dans
cette revue, il faut relever une phrase importante :
*« WGFM est convenu de charger le Bureau d'aligner éditorialement les
Recommandation T / R 61-02 et ECC / REC / (14) 06 avec les termes de
référence de l'amateur Forum Radio Group et le libellé approuvé récemment
dans ECC / REC / (05) 06 , *
*soit pour remplacer le terme 'IARU' par 'organisations internationales
représentant le service de radio amateur licenciés ».*
1925, création de l’IARU, aujourd’hui en 2016, il y a enfin une rupture qui
ouvre la voie à un peu plus de discussions …
*Sur un autre sujet plus ‘’léger’’, le salon de Monteux* fut comme toujours
un succès du genre.
La régularité qu’il faut maintenir et la rigueur d’organisation associée au
bénévolat en font d’être le salon numéro 1 en France.
Nous avions, comme chaque année un stand et ce fut un plaisir de rencontrer
le plus grand nombre de visiteurs et d’amis. Même si, comme vous l’avez
exprimé, nous sommes sur la bonne voie, nous allons continuer d’améliorer
les actions, la présentations et autres développements …
La suite dans la revue s45. 73 à toutes et tous de l’équipe.
Rappel, s 11 signifie revue de la semaine 11
Depuis le premier janvier 2016, il y a : s1, s5, … s39 et maintenant s45
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S45.
*Le site et la revue (en premier)*
*La revue en direct*
*Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.*
Source directe : RAF
From : Alain F6AGV
Actualité et promotion du radioamateurisme
mardi 8 novembre 2016
jeudi 25 février 2016
LE RAF communique : LA REVUE semaine 8 est disponible
Bonjour à toutes et tous
Comme d’habitude maintenant, même si ce n’est pas de la routine, voici la
troisième revue en 2 mois.
Beaucoup de travail de la part de l’équipe, sans parler des cours par mail,
de notre présence au Salon de Clermont (département 60), et des futurs
développements …
L’éditorial interpelle avec « de vrais OM’s » par opposition avec quelques
rares (heureusement) irresponsables.
Et plein de rubriques différentes les unes des autres afin de contenter les
lecteurs …
Bonne lecture, 73 de tous le groupe RadioAmateurs France, Dan, F5DBT.
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 08 - 2016.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
*Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.*
Si vous avez des informations, écrivez nous:
Source directe : RAF
From : Alain F6AGV
Comme d’habitude maintenant, même si ce n’est pas de la routine, voici la
troisième revue en 2 mois.
Beaucoup de travail de la part de l’équipe, sans parler des cours par mail,
de notre présence au Salon de Clermont (département 60), et des futurs
développements …
L’éditorial interpelle avec « de vrais OM’s » par opposition avec quelques
rares (heureusement) irresponsables.
Et plein de rubriques différentes les unes des autres afin de contenter les
lecteurs …
Bonne lecture, 73 de tous le groupe RadioAmateurs France, Dan, F5DBT.
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 08 - 2016.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
*Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.*
Si vous avez des informations, écrivez nous:
Source directe : RAF
From : Alain F6AGV
samedi 6 février 2016
INFO RELAIS F1ZVV de F5KBM : à diffuser
INFO RELAIS F1ZVV de F5KBM : à diffuser
Dimanche prochain 7 février de 10H à 12H environ, je serais en portable avec F4HJG sur le site du Mont Lambert pour faire un test de couverture et le maximum de monde est convié.Nous mettrons en service pour l'occasion, un relais UHF entrée 439,750 MHz + CTCSS de 67Hz, sortie relais 430,350 MHz (9,4MHz, comme d'habitude quoi) et une voie VHF simplex 145,350 MHz
Si tu as quelques minutes à consacrer dimanche prochain pour tester ces 2 bandes, ce sera super, nous saurons dans quelles conditions tu auras le relais depuis son site définitif. N'hésite pas à transmettre l'information. Merci et à très bientôt.
Source directe : F5KBM
From : f6agv {@}
Dimanche prochain 7 février de 10H à 12H environ, je serais en portable avec F4HJG sur le site du Mont Lambert pour faire un test de couverture et le maximum de monde est convié.Nous mettrons en service pour l'occasion, un relais UHF entrée 439,750 MHz + CTCSS de 67Hz, sortie relais 430,350 MHz (9,4MHz, comme d'habitude quoi) et une voie VHF simplex 145,350 MHz
Si tu as quelques minutes à consacrer dimanche prochain pour tester ces 2 bandes, ce sera super, nous saurons dans quelles conditions tu auras le relais depuis son site définitif. N'hésite pas à transmettre l'information. Merci et à très bientôt.
Source directe : F5KBM
From : f6agv {@}
jeudi 14 janvier 2016
mercredi 13 janvier 2016
Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Cette nouvelle année commence et comme le veut la tradition, toute l’équipe
de Radio Amateurs France vous adresse ses meilleurs vœux, de santé surtout,
et pour la suite, toute la suite, chacun pourra ajouter à une longue liste,
ses propres souhaits, ses vœux personnels.
Mes pensées vont aussi vers ceux qui ne sont plus là, SK disons nous. …
Depuis maintenant 4 ans, que de chemin parcouru.
Il fut un temps, pas si ancien, que la communauté des radioamateurs
souhaitait des changements, que ce soit une autre association différente
pour faire évoluer les choses, faire entendre une différence, un autre état
d’esprit, une revue plus moderne avec de nombreux sujets, un ton différent,
une source d’informations fiables, rapide et complète…
Toutes les explications sur la future consultation organisée par
l’Administration …
Et les rubriques habituelles, antennes, histoire, …
Bonne lecture, et encore tous les meilleurs vœux de l'équipe,
73 Dan, F5DBT
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 01 - 2016.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.
Si vous avez des informations, écrivez nous:
Source directe : RAF
From : f6agv (@)
Cette nouvelle année commence et comme le veut la tradition, toute l’équipe
de Radio Amateurs France vous adresse ses meilleurs vœux, de santé surtout,
et pour la suite, toute la suite, chacun pourra ajouter à une longue liste,
ses propres souhaits, ses vœux personnels.
Mes pensées vont aussi vers ceux qui ne sont plus là, SK disons nous. …
Depuis maintenant 4 ans, que de chemin parcouru.
Il fut un temps, pas si ancien, que la communauté des radioamateurs
souhaitait des changements, que ce soit une autre association différente
pour faire évoluer les choses, faire entendre une différence, un autre état
d’esprit, une revue plus moderne avec de nombreux sujets, un ton différent,
une source d’informations fiables, rapide et complète…
Toutes les explications sur la future consultation organisée par
l’Administration …
Et les rubriques habituelles, antennes, histoire, …
Bonne lecture, et encore tous les meilleurs vœux de l'équipe,
73 Dan, F5DBT
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 01 - 2016.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.
Si vous avez des informations, écrivez nous:
Source directe : RAF
From : f6agv (@)
lundi 11 janvier 2016
ARISS Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Benedetto Croce", Civate, Italy, le 13 janvier 2016
MAJ-1 :
ARISS educational radio contact with school in Civitate, Italy
The contact will be broadcast on:
Gaston Bertels - ON4WF
ARISS mentor
ARISS contact planned for school in Civitate, Italy
Wednesday January 13 at approximately 11:35 UTC, an ARISS contact is planned for Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Benedetto Croce", Civate, Italy. ARISS telebridge station VK5ZAI, located in southern Australia, will operate the contact.
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Benedetto Croce" is a Primary and Secondary school located in Civate, a small town not far from the bigger city of Lecco. Beautifully surrounded by lakes and mountains, the school participated in an articulated STEM educational project including a visit to the local Lecco’s planetarium where almost every year they use to host an astronaut, including NASA’s Mike Fincke and Sandra Magnus.
The ARISS contact will be conducted in English.
It will be broadcast on EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377), as well as on IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector.
Streaming Audio available on
Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.
1. Which is the best moment on a space day?
2. How did you feel the first time with no gravity?
3. At first were you afraid of living on the ISS?
4. What are you doing on the station at the moment?
5. Do you like living with other five people?
6. Do you have any hobbies on the ISS?
7. What are the objectives of your mission?
8. When did you start to enjoy astronomy? Why?
9. Have you got any problems on the ISS?
10. Is it better to live on the earth or in space?
11. Which experiment do you prefer on the ISS?
12. Which is the first place you want to see when you return home?
13. What is your favourite planet?
14. Would you like to stay longer in space?
15. What time zone is used on the ISS?
16. Wow has this experience changed your life?
17. Sometimes, would you like to return soon to Earth?
18. What did you think when you were chosen for this mission?
19. What are you missing more of the earth life?
20. Do you believe in aliens, in extra-terrestrial life?
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS mentor
From : f6agv (@)
ARISS educational radio contact with school in Civitate, Italy
The contact will be broadcast on:
Gaston Bertels - ON4WF
ARISS mentor
ARISS contact planned for school in Civitate, Italy
Wednesday January 13 at approximately 11:35 UTC, an ARISS contact is planned for Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Benedetto Croce", Civate, Italy. ARISS telebridge station VK5ZAI, located in southern Australia, will operate the contact.
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Benedetto Croce" is a Primary and Secondary school located in Civate, a small town not far from the bigger city of Lecco. Beautifully surrounded by lakes and mountains, the school participated in an articulated STEM educational project including a visit to the local Lecco’s planetarium where almost every year they use to host an astronaut, including NASA’s Mike Fincke and Sandra Magnus.
The ARISS contact will be conducted in English.
It will be broadcast on EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377), as well as on IRLP Node 9010 Discovery Reflector.
Streaming Audio available on
Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.
1. Which is the best moment on a space day?
2. How did you feel the first time with no gravity?
3. At first were you afraid of living on the ISS?
4. What are you doing on the station at the moment?
5. Do you like living with other five people?
6. Do you have any hobbies on the ISS?
7. What are the objectives of your mission?
8. When did you start to enjoy astronomy? Why?
9. Have you got any problems on the ISS?
10. Is it better to live on the earth or in space?
11. Which experiment do you prefer on the ISS?
12. Which is the first place you want to see when you return home?
13. What is your favourite planet?
14. Would you like to stay longer in space?
15. What time zone is used on the ISS?
16. Wow has this experience changed your life?
17. Sometimes, would you like to return soon to Earth?
18. What did you think when you were chosen for this mission?
19. What are you missing more of the earth life?
20. Do you believe in aliens, in extra-terrestrial life?
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.
Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS mentor
From : f6agv (@)
bonsoir a tous
deux infos l’adresse ci dessous a mettre en mémoire
la deuxième information :
Le trafic DMR du relais F1ZVV est désormais retransmis en VHF sur 145.350 MHz en analogique
en réception uniquement pour l’instant
merci de nous faire part de vos remarques
l’équipe du relais
73 a tous
from : f6agv (@)
deux infos l’adresse ci dessous a mettre en mémoire
la deuxième information :
Le trafic DMR du relais F1ZVV est désormais retransmis en VHF sur 145.350 MHz en analogique
en réception uniquement pour l’instant
merci de nous faire part de vos remarques
l’équipe du relais
73 a tous
from : f6agv (@)
jeudi 19 novembre 2015
ARISS contact for school in Lecce, Italy
An International Space Station contact is planned for Scuola Media Statale “G. Marconi”, Soleto, Lecce, Italy.
The event is scheduled for Monday 23 November 2015 at 09:21 UTC, which is 10.21 CEWT. This will be a telebridge contact between NA1SS and VK4KHZ. Signals from the ISS will not be audible in Europe.
The contact will possibly be broadcast on EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) Conference servers, as well as on IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.
School Information:
Scuola Media Statale “G. Marconi”:
The Soleto state institute includes preschool, primary school and 1st grade secondary school in the Cities of Soleto, Zollino, and Sternatia. A total of 811 students are attending in these three locations. There are 10 sections of preschool, 20 of primary school and 12 of secondary school 1st grade
Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.
1. How long do people train to become an astronaut?
2. At first, were you afraid of living on the space station?
3. Do astronauts get cabin fever while they're in orbit?
4. What are the objectives of your mission?
5. Why don't they place the moles on the comets surface?
6. About the veggie experiment, how many days does it take to grow salad and what's its taste?
7. Is it true that clothes become garbage when used?
8. What time zone is used on the ISS?
9. How do they dispose the rubbish?
10. Which is the best moment on a space day?
11. Is there space junk?
12. Do you like living with other six people?
13. Do you sleep in a sleeping bag or in a bed?
14. Have you got any problems on the ISS?
15. Do you bring a supply of additional food from earth?
16. What's your favorite planet?
17. How do you communicate with earth?
18. What are you doing on the station at the moment?
19. How do you wash your hair?
20. When did you start to enjoy astronomy?
21. In the USA a pensioner, the famous astronaut John Glenn, went into space at the age of 69. wasn't he too old?
22. Which is the first place you want to see when you return home?
23. How expensive is going in space?
24. How has this experience changed your life?
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.
Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS-Europe past chairman
ARISS contact for school in Sweden
An International Space Station contact is planned for Dragonskolan, Umea, Sweden.
The event is scheduled for Wednesday 25 November 2015 at 09:44 UTC, which is 10.44 CEWT. This will be a telebridge contact between NA1SS and VE4ISS. Signals from the ISS will not be audible in Europe.
The contact will possibly be broadcast on EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) Conference servers, as well as on IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.
School Information:
Dragonskolan is one of the biggest upper secondary schools in Sweden and is located in central Umea. Currently hosting 1820 students aged 16-19 and 300 staff; it has recently been renovated to meet modern needs in a stimulating learning environment.
At Dragonskolan, we have an ethos where we believe we can offer our students three meaningful and enjoyable years. Our core values are “open and bright”, referring not only to the physical surroundings but also to the social climate.
Dragonskolan is the biggest meeting place for young people in Umea, A wide range of 3 year programs, college preparatory and vocational, are offered here, ranging from natural science to humanities and technological science. At the core of the school is the Dragonskolan Technology Center where everything is taught from industrial welding technology to electronics, automation, computer science, CAD and much more.
With its close ties to the industry, the school keeps in pace with the latest industrial technology ensuring the students get the best education available within their chosen field.
Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.
1. Joacim 16 : How would you describe the smell in space?
2. Ida 16: Is going to space what you expected it to be?
3. Ellen 16: How dark is it dark in space?
4. Roya 16: Have you ever fantasized about seeing an alien life form?
5. Maja 16: Do you have access to internet and social media on the space station?
6. Elsa 16: What is the first thing you want to do when you get back home?
7. Sebastian 16: What is your annual salary as an astronaut?
8. Saif 16: When are humans expected to go to Mars?
9. Anna 18: How does one feel in size aboard the space station?
10. Ludwig 17: If a person is in the middle of a room in aboard the space station without reaching the walls. How would that person move from that position without throwing something in the opposite direction?
11. Gustav 18: Where does the oxygen come from?
12. Linda 18: How has your vision of life changed from being in space?
13. Marcus 18: Which time is correct in space?
14. Klara 18: How do you take a shower in low gravity?
15. Lisa 18: Do you ever get tired of each other on the space station?
16. Linnea 16: Don’t you miss your family and friends?
17. David 18: Do you think people get another view on our problems on earth after a trip to space?
18. Patrick 17: What does it feel like to sleep in space?
19. Vincent 17: Was it worth all the training to go to space?
20. Josefin 17: What is the best experience you have had so far going to space?
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.
Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS-Europe past chairman
ARISS contact with Scuola Media Statale G. Marconi, Soleto, Lecce, Italy.
The contact is scheduled for Monday 23 November 2015 at 09:21 UTC, which is 10.21 CEWT
The event will be webcast on:
Gaston Bertels - ON4WF
ARISS-Europe past chairman
Source directe : ARISS ON4WF
From : f6agv (@)
An International Space Station contact is planned for Scuola Media Statale “G. Marconi”, Soleto, Lecce, Italy.
The event is scheduled for Monday 23 November 2015 at 09:21 UTC, which is 10.21 CEWT. This will be a telebridge contact between NA1SS and VK4KHZ. Signals from the ISS will not be audible in Europe.
The contact will possibly be broadcast on EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) Conference servers, as well as on IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.
School Information:
Scuola Media Statale “G. Marconi”:
The Soleto state institute includes preschool, primary school and 1st grade secondary school in the Cities of Soleto, Zollino, and Sternatia. A total of 811 students are attending in these three locations. There are 10 sections of preschool, 20 of primary school and 12 of secondary school 1st grade
Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.
1. How long do people train to become an astronaut?
2. At first, were you afraid of living on the space station?
3. Do astronauts get cabin fever while they're in orbit?
4. What are the objectives of your mission?
5. Why don't they place the moles on the comets surface?
6. About the veggie experiment, how many days does it take to grow salad and what's its taste?
7. Is it true that clothes become garbage when used?
8. What time zone is used on the ISS?
9. How do they dispose the rubbish?
10. Which is the best moment on a space day?
11. Is there space junk?
12. Do you like living with other six people?
13. Do you sleep in a sleeping bag or in a bed?
14. Have you got any problems on the ISS?
15. Do you bring a supply of additional food from earth?
16. What's your favorite planet?
17. How do you communicate with earth?
18. What are you doing on the station at the moment?
19. How do you wash your hair?
20. When did you start to enjoy astronomy?
21. In the USA a pensioner, the famous astronaut John Glenn, went into space at the age of 69. wasn't he too old?
22. Which is the first place you want to see when you return home?
23. How expensive is going in space?
24. How has this experience changed your life?
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.
Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS-Europe past chairman
ARISS contact for school in Sweden
An International Space Station contact is planned for Dragonskolan, Umea, Sweden.
The event is scheduled for Wednesday 25 November 2015 at 09:44 UTC, which is 10.44 CEWT. This will be a telebridge contact between NA1SS and VE4ISS. Signals from the ISS will not be audible in Europe.
The contact will possibly be broadcast on EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) Conference servers, as well as on IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.
School Information:
Dragonskolan is one of the biggest upper secondary schools in Sweden and is located in central Umea. Currently hosting 1820 students aged 16-19 and 300 staff; it has recently been renovated to meet modern needs in a stimulating learning environment.
At Dragonskolan, we have an ethos where we believe we can offer our students three meaningful and enjoyable years. Our core values are “open and bright”, referring not only to the physical surroundings but also to the social climate.
Dragonskolan is the biggest meeting place for young people in Umea, A wide range of 3 year programs, college preparatory and vocational, are offered here, ranging from natural science to humanities and technological science. At the core of the school is the Dragonskolan Technology Center where everything is taught from industrial welding technology to electronics, automation, computer science, CAD and much more.
With its close ties to the industry, the school keeps in pace with the latest industrial technology ensuring the students get the best education available within their chosen field.
Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.
1. Joacim 16 : How would you describe the smell in space?
2. Ida 16: Is going to space what you expected it to be?
3. Ellen 16: How dark is it dark in space?
4. Roya 16: Have you ever fantasized about seeing an alien life form?
5. Maja 16: Do you have access to internet and social media on the space station?
6. Elsa 16: What is the first thing you want to do when you get back home?
7. Sebastian 16: What is your annual salary as an astronaut?
8. Saif 16: When are humans expected to go to Mars?
9. Anna 18: How does one feel in size aboard the space station?
10. Ludwig 17: If a person is in the middle of a room in aboard the space station without reaching the walls. How would that person move from that position without throwing something in the opposite direction?
11. Gustav 18: Where does the oxygen come from?
12. Linda 18: How has your vision of life changed from being in space?
13. Marcus 18: Which time is correct in space?
14. Klara 18: How do you take a shower in low gravity?
15. Lisa 18: Do you ever get tired of each other on the space station?
16. Linnea 16: Don’t you miss your family and friends?
17. David 18: Do you think people get another view on our problems on earth after a trip to space?
18. Patrick 17: What does it feel like to sleep in space?
19. Vincent 17: Was it worth all the training to go to space?
20. Josefin 17: What is the best experience you have had so far going to space?
ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers on-board the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology, and learning.
Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS-Europe past chairman
ARISS contact with Scuola Media Statale G. Marconi, Soleto, Lecce, Italy.
The contact is scheduled for Monday 23 November 2015 at 09:21 UTC, which is 10.21 CEWT
The event will be webcast on:
Gaston Bertels - ON4WF
ARISS-Europe past chairman
Source directe : ARISS ON4WF
From : f6agv (@)
mercredi 18 novembre 2015
Bonjour à toutes et à tous
Dans ce numéro, les photos de Monteux, super salon très chaleureux comme
4 éléments Quad portable.
Le détail complet texte, photos, schéma et côtes.
Et bien sûr l’ANTA (télévision amateur) Boufigo et leurs ballons, Léo de
DYOFRAD avec ses digibox pour tous les modes numériques …
Un résumé des questions relative au fait qu’un OM souhaite après plusieurs
années d’absence revenir au radioamateurisme.
Le résumé du lancement d’un ballon par F6AGV Alain et son équipe du BHAF.
*Enfin le dossier et quel dossier, celui du 5 MHz.*
Bonne lecture, 73 Dan, F5DBT
*Attention, nous sommes en http et non plus en https*
c'est maintenant: ................
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 47.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
*Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.*
Source directe : RAF
From : f6agv (@)
Dans ce numéro, les photos de Monteux, super salon très chaleureux comme
4 éléments Quad portable.
Le détail complet texte, photos, schéma et côtes.
Et bien sûr l’ANTA (télévision amateur) Boufigo et leurs ballons, Léo de
DYOFRAD avec ses digibox pour tous les modes numériques …
Un résumé des questions relative au fait qu’un OM souhaite après plusieurs
années d’absence revenir au radioamateurisme.
Le résumé du lancement d’un ballon par F6AGV Alain et son équipe du BHAF.
*Enfin le dossier et quel dossier, celui du 5 MHz.*
Bonne lecture, 73 Dan, F5DBT
*Attention, nous sommes en http et non plus en https*
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Source directe : RAF
From : f6agv (@)
samedi 10 octobre 2015
Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Voici la revue RadioAmateurs France s 41
La chose essentielle est la réunion inter-association à Hamexpo Tours le 17
Après l'avoir proposé depuis 2 ans, celle ci arrive enfin.
Nous y serons le samedi de 10h à 12h puis en visite à l'exposition.
Vous trouverez les détails et toutes les rubriques habituelles dans ce
numéro ...
Bonne lecture, 73 Dan, F5DBT
Attention, nous sommes en http et non plus en https.
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Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 41.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.
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Source directe : RAF
From : f6agv (@)
Voici la revue RadioAmateurs France s 41
La chose essentielle est la réunion inter-association à Hamexpo Tours le 17
Après l'avoir proposé depuis 2 ans, celle ci arrive enfin.
Nous y serons le samedi de 10h à 12h puis en visite à l'exposition.
Vous trouverez les détails et toutes les rubriques habituelles dans ce
numéro ...
Bonne lecture, 73 Dan, F5DBT
Attention, nous sommes en http et non plus en https.
C'est maintenant: ................
Vous trouverez le lien pour la revue S 41.
Le site et la revue (en premier)
La revue en direct
Comme tous n'ont pas pu lire les dernières revues, voici le lien.
Si vous avez des informations, écrivez nous:
Si vous souhaitez vous désinscrire, écrivez nous:
Source directe : RAF
From : f6agv (@)
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